
Design meets Digital: Past, future and beyond.

Je 11 Mai 2023
Kortrijk Xpo

Computational design is revolutionizing the construction industry by empowering designers like never before. By optimizing resources and exploring shapes that were once impossible to build, we can envision a more sustainable future for architecture.

The Design meets Digital lecture utilizes case studies to educate the public on how new workflows and techniques are emerging between designers and the industry. Through digital fabrication, we can showcase the application of materials such as wood, stone, metal, and fiber glass, demonstrating their potential in real-world examples.


Pioneering architects such as Frei Otto, Antonio Gaudi, Oscar Niemeyer, and Sergio Mumesci created physical models for their projects by experimenting with novel concepts like bubbles. Today, computational design enables us to take these experiments to a whole new level. With the use of computers, research and study time are significantly reduced, impressing even the greatest architects of the past.


Join architect Marc Martinez Marti, Head of Computational Design at ncbham, at ARCHITECT@WORK Belgium for a fascinating lecture on how computational design is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in architecture. Discover how interior architects and architects alike are using this technology to achieve groundbreaking results in construction.

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Design meets Digital. Past, future and beyond (ENG)

Marc Martinez Marti, Head of Computational Design at ncbham


Networking moment

Let's meet at the bar for a chat and a drink


Date & lieu

Je 11 Mai 2023: Kortrijk
Kortrijk Xpo,

Frais de participation

Get free access to the event? Go through pre-registration via the website, using the code mentioned on your invitation. If you don't have a code yet, send an email to kortrijk@architectatwork.be. We will be happy to help you.

Plus d'infos

t: 056/24.11.04.

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