
Working spaces for future-oriented and sustainable learning in a digitalized world

Do 18 November 2021

The State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development in Hamburg initiated a participation process and launched a competition, which lead to the realization of "working spaces for future-oriented and sustainable learning in a digitalized world" by our office.

An essential moment in the realization of this project is the structuring of an almost 100 year old existing school room sequence into contemporary learning settings. These can be booked and tried out individually or as a whole by those interested in the learning process. The learning settings have specific criteria that promote self-determined learning, in which the developed spaces have an enabling character.

Analogous to the three levels of spatial perception, the spatial expectation of the visitor/learner, the mental space (1st level), meets the designed space here. The designed space in turn invites the visitors/learners to interact, thus becoming a social space (2nd level). In order for the learning intention of the room to be experienced sensually, the physical space is needed (3rd level), which results from the composition of floor/wall and ceiling, as well as their haptic surface, the lighting and, of course, the acoustic quality. Especially the acoustic quality is crucial in our project for the intuitive use of a learning setting in combination with the specific furniture and digital hardware.

Subsequently, it will become visible which mutual requirements these spaces have for the development of learning software and for the hardware. For the further development of the rooms, it will be necessary to understand these learning settings as modules that can then be used in many schools, individually adapted.


Watch this interview live on the AiNB YouTube channel

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Working spaces for future-oriented and sustainable learning in a digitalized world

Mauro Brigham will interview René Damian Pier from Schienbein Pier.


Data & locatie

Do 18 November 2021: online



De persoonsgegevens die naar aanleiding van het invullen van dit inschrijvingsformulier worden meegedeeld, worden verwerkt in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de wet van 8/12/1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer. AiNB kan de gegevens van de inschrijver gebruiken in het kader van het event, met het oog op het evalueren en ontwikkelen van de dienstverlening en voor belangenbehartiging. De inschrijver erkent en aanvaardt dat AiNB tevens, teneinde financieel in staat te zijn om het event aan de gestelde voorwaarden aan te bieden, de inschrijvingsgegevens meedeelt aan de hierboven vermelde partners van het event ter promotie van hun producten of diensten naar de inschrijver en dit gedurende een periode van 6 maanden vanaf het event, tenzij de inschrijver zich hiertoe eerder tegen de partner verzet. Elke inschrijver heeft te allen tijd het recht de over hem gehouden persoonsgegevens in te zien en te verbeteren op de maatschappelijke zetel van AiNB, aan de Willebroekkaai 37 te 1000 Brussel.