
VIP Opening Night: CE QU'HABITER VEUT DIRE 9/3/2023

Do 9 Maart 2023
MAD Brussels

The exhibition Ce qu'habiter veut dire, organized by the ICA at MAD Brussels, retraces the path of three years of cultural actions to meet the French-speaking Belgian territory and its inhabitants. During this exploration, with culture as leverage, we opened a question to all audiences: "For you, what is inhabiting?



Because living is not only housing, it is also becoming aware of a landscape and a territory, it is thinking about what to do with what already exists, what is already built and developed, it is participating in the development of its living environment and the culture that is animated around it, it is finally and above all dreaming of a different living environment, bringing better well-being.

Installations, models, frescoes, testimonies, videos, photographs, sketches and collages illustrate in this exhibition the diversity of approaches of those who rethink our living environment. This exhibition is the result of encounters between residents, architects, photographers, urban planners, landscape designers and artists, thus opening up new horizons. It provides rich visions, sometimes constructed, sometimes sketched, sometimes grounded in reality, sometimes utopian. Each subject of this exhibition is delicately composed and staged, in order to make architecture speak and to inspire each visitor on this theme.


About twenty contemporary architecture projects that have been outstanding in Wallonia and Brussels over the last thirty years are shown in the form of models, ground plans and graphic documents. Allied to a series of photographs, the whole composes a sensitive interpretation of the current built and non-built environment of French-speaking Belgium.


The exhibition Ce qu'habiter veut dire is also the occasion for the ICA to publish an eponymous book that completes the content of the exhibition. A way to extend the experience of the exhibition and to take with you a souvenir of the works exhibited.


An exhibition with Agence TER, Arcadus, Artau, Aya Akbib, Baumans-Deffet, Baukunst, Binario, Pierre Blondel, François Brix, Maurizio Cohen, Xavier Delory, Maxime Delvaux, Jean-Luc Deru, Dessin & Construction, Barbara Dits, Hugues Dorzée, Nicolas Duerinck, L’Escaut, False Mirror office, Jean-François Flamey, Olivier Fourneau, HE architectes, Pierre Hebbelinck, Holoffe & Vermeersch, Dominique Houcmant/Goldo, Alain Janssens, Philippe Koeune, Gaspar Lambé, Georges-Eric Lantair, Mathilde Lasserre, François Lichtlé, Linto, LRArchitectes, Daryna Lysystska, Matador, Mamout, Charlotte Marchal, Martiat+Durnez, Modlocq, MSA, Nord, Virginie Pigeon, Daniele Ragno, Reservoir A, Rotor, Fabian Rouwette, Victor Selle, Bas Smets, Vianney Soulard, Specimen, Terre, Alexander Topilin, Henri Uijtterhaegen, Urban echoes, V+, Charles Vandenhove, Cécile Vandernoot, Paola Viganò, Marc Wendelski.

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18u00 / 22u00 *

VIP opening night

Met de steun van:

De persoonsgegevens die naar aanleiding van het invullen van dit inschrijvingsformulier worden meegedeeld, worden verwerkt in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de wet van 8/12/1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer. AiNB kan de gegevens van de inschrijver gebruiken in het kader van het event, met het oog op het evalueren en ontwikkelen van de dienstverlening en voor belangenbehartiging. De inschrijver erkent en aanvaardt dat AiNB tevens, teneinde financieel in staat te zijn om het event aan de gestelde voorwaarden aan te bieden, de inschrijvingsgegevens meedeelt aan de hierboven vermelde partners van het event ter promotie van hun producten of diensten naar de inschrijver en dit gedurende een periode van 6 maanden vanaf het event, tenzij de inschrijver zich hiertoe eerder tegen de partner verzet. Elke inschrijver heeft te allen tijd het recht de over hem gehouden persoonsgegevens in te zien en te verbeteren op de maatschappelijke zetel van AiNB, aan de Willebroekkaai 37 te 1000 Brussel.