
Colour Design Workshop: Who’s afraid of red, yellow, and blue?

Za 1 April 2023
address to be confirmed

Personality Design

by Inez Michiels

Personality can be a powerful asset for design. Personality has a significant effect on our decision-making process both in marketing and industrial design. We are drawn to designs that resonate emotionally with our personality. In (interior) architecture, tailor-made spaces meeting a person’s needs will result in positive identification and client well-being. Personality likewise plays a crucial role in fashion and styling, as clothing allows for the ultimate expression of one’s identity and mood. Knowing how to incorporate personality into your work is essential. Inez Michiels presents her scientifically tested ID-Colour assessment tool providing quick and playful insight into the design preferences of end users.


Interaction of Colour

by Maja Kaurin

Through various exercises participants learn about colour effects produced through the interaction of colour, comparing the factual and actual colour and thus exploring the principles of colour relativity, temperature, the illusion of transparency and space, and the afterimage effect. By gaining a greater colour awareness they will be able to further explore and use those colour design principles in their own art or design practice.


Colour and Meaning

by Jeannette Hanenburg

Designing with the colour image scale.
The colour image scale is a tool to combine colours in an easy way, developed by Japan’s leading colour psychologist, Shigenobu Kobayashi. The Colour Image Scale is useful for describing the similar and contrasting images of colours. The scale also allows the classification and correlation of various objects (shapes, patterns, clothing, foods, etc.) and the study of personal preferences in these and other areas.
The colour image scale allows you the expression of any mood, lifestyle, or taste through the creative use of colour combinations.


Applied Synaesthetic

by Inez Michiels

Synaesthesia refers to the signified connection between different sensorial systems. Which colours are fresher than others? Just how sweet is pink? What is the sound of a round shape? How does packaging affect the experience of tasting its content? Correctly applied synaesthesia can enhance both a product and the relation to its packaging and presentation. In this session we explore the synaesthetic relationship between olfaction and colour.

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09u30 / 16u00 *

Colour Design Workshop: Who’s afraid of red, yellow, and blue?


Data & locatie

Za 1 April 2023: Antwerp
address to be confirmed, address to be confirmed


AiNB-leden: 95€
Niet AiNB-leden:150€

Met de steun van:

De persoonsgegevens die naar aanleiding van het invullen van dit inschrijvingsformulier worden meegedeeld, worden verwerkt in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de wet van 8/12/1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer. AiNB kan de gegevens van de inschrijver gebruiken in het kader van het event, met het oog op het evalueren en ontwikkelen van de dienstverlening en voor belangenbehartiging. De inschrijver erkent en aanvaardt dat AiNB tevens, teneinde financieel in staat te zijn om het event aan de gestelde voorwaarden aan te bieden, de inschrijvingsgegevens meedeelt aan de hierboven vermelde partners van het event ter promotie van hun producten of diensten naar de inschrijver en dit gedurende een periode van 6 maanden vanaf het event, tenzij de inschrijver zich hiertoe eerder tegen de partner verzet. Elke inschrijver heeft te allen tijd het recht de over hem gehouden persoonsgegevens in te zien en te verbeteren op de maatschappelijke zetel van AiNB, aan de Willebroekkaai 37 te 1000 Brussel.