
Material flows and reuse strategies

Do 25 Juni 2020
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Rotor, founded in Brussels in 2005, is a multidisciplinary association specialized in material flows and reuse strategies. Rotor fosters the debate on questions related to resources, waste and obsolescence in the building sector through applied research projects, exhibitions, conferences and publications. Representing Belgium at the 12​th​ International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennial in 2010, their exhibition ​Usus/Usures​ explored wear as a reaction to use and a potentially creative architectural process. In 2013 they curated the Oslo Architecture Triennale, including a vast exhibition on the challenges facing ’sustainable’ architecture today, Behind the Green Door. Rotor’s approach consistently—and very often visually—emphasizes the effects of human planning, oversight, and extended use on the built environment. In parallel with these exhibition projects, Rotor continued to realize various design projects, often interventions in existing architecture. This work has its equivalent in a growing series of deconstruction projects in which Rotor oversees the dismantlement of building components, in buildings slated for demolition, for reuse purposes. These dismantling and reselling activities are conducted under the heading of Rotor Deconstruction, a separate, spin-off entity created in 2014. In 2015, Rotor's work was rewarded with the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, awarded under the patronage of UNESCO. In 2018, as a result of research for the BBSM project, Rotor published a book about reuse and deconstruction. Since January 2019, Rotor is leading an Interreg NWE project entitled FCRBE - Facilitating the circulation of reclaimed building elements in Northwestern Europe which aims to increase 50% of reused element circulation within the construction sector. On the practical side, Rotor also coordinates large-scale dismantling operations, collaborates in architectural projects and realizes interior and urban design.

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Material flows and reuse strategies

This week, Jan Geysen from PUUR interieurarchitecten will interview Louise Huba from Rotor, 25/06 at 18h30 on AiNB Livespace.

We will be waiting for you this Thursdag, June 25 at 18h30 for our weekly Instagram AiNB Livespace meeting.


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Do 25 Juni 2020: at home



De persoonsgegevens die naar aanleiding van het invullen van dit inschrijvingsformulier worden meegedeeld, worden verwerkt in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van de wet van 8/12/1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer. AiNB kan de gegevens van de inschrijver gebruiken in het kader van het event, met het oog op het evalueren en ontwikkelen van de dienstverlening en voor belangenbehartiging. De inschrijver erkent en aanvaardt dat AiNB tevens, teneinde financieel in staat te zijn om het event aan de gestelde voorwaarden aan te bieden, de inschrijvingsgegevens meedeelt aan de hierboven vermelde partners van het event ter promotie van hun producten of diensten naar de inschrijver en dit gedurende een periode van 6 maanden vanaf het event, tenzij de inschrijver zich hiertoe eerder tegen de partner verzet. Elke inschrijver heeft te allen tijd het recht de over hem gehouden persoonsgegevens in te zien en te verbeteren op de maatschappelijke zetel van AiNB, aan de Willebroekkaai 37 te 1000 Brussel.