
Curator of stillness

7 februari 2022

With STILL room, Cédric Etienne curates a signature project that expresses the design philosophy of its team, Studio Corkinho. Out of the need to unplug from an overstimulated society, Cédric Etienne proposes a new language to stand still with silence and bring us again closer to our true nature.


Fascinated by the hidden power of isolation, Cédric Etienne wants to understand how to curate stillness and bring a higher meaning back into spaces. Out of this philosophy, he developed the STILL room concept.


Located at Noorderpershuis, a classified heritage building near the harbour of Antwerp, the STILL room is a place of rebirth, a repurposed space that was transformed into an architecture of silence. Not only does the STILL room hold a selection of Studio Corkinho’s designs, it highlights their shared level of meaning. Like craftsmanship results in timeless objects, the room makes time erode into a calming void, a silent atmosphere to ritualize in the now-here. The “object space" becomes a sanctuary of stillness. The STILL room reflects on the architecture of silence: what is it that brings architecture, and hereby us, in a serene state? The room devotes itself to the understanding of the dynamics of silence and how to reconnect with inner balance. As such, it works as a contemporary monastic cell where one can contemplate in a distraction-free atmosphere.


With the STILL room, Cédric Etienne marks the beginning of a path of stillness through reclaimed urban buildings and in nature. As a concept, STILL travels to your home, in the form of one-off installations or as part of hospitality, branding, office or wellness purposes.